
condor-bosco - BOSCO, a HTCondor overlay system for managing jobs at remote clusters

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Koji
BOSCO allows a locally-installed HTCondor to submit jobs to remote clusters,
using SSH as a transit mechanism.  It is designed for cases where the remote
cluster is using a different batch system such as PBS, SGE, LSF, or another
HTCondor system.

BOSCO provides an overlay system so the remote clusters appear to be a HTCondor
cluster.  This allows the user to run their workflows using HTCondor tools across
multiple clusters.


condor-bosco-9.0.11-1.1.osg35up.el7.x86_64 [180 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2022-03-15):
- The Job Router can now create an IDTOKEN for use by the job
- Fix bug where a self-checkpointing job may erroneously be held
- Fix bug where the Job Router could erroneously substitute a default value
- Fix bug where a file transfer error may identify the wrong file
- Fix bug where condor_ssh_to_job may fail to connect

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7