
blahp - gLite BLAHP daemon

License: Apache 2.0
Vendor: Koji
gLite BLAHP daemon


blahp-2.1.3-1.osg35up.el7.src [326 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2021-10-12):
- Fix status caching on EL7 for PBS, Slurm, and LSF
blahp-2.1.1-1.osg35up.el7.src [325 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2021-08-17):
- Add Python 2 support back for Enterprise Linux 7
- Allow the user to override system configuration files
- Enable flexible configuration via a configuration directory
- Fix Slurm resource usage reporting
blahp-2.1.0-1.osg35up.el7.src [324 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2021-07-06):
- Fix bug where GPU request was not passed onto the batch script
- Fix problem where proxy symlinks were not cleaned up by not creating them
- Fix bug where output files are overwritten if no transfer output remap
- Added support for passing in extra submit arguments from the job ad
blahp-2.0.2-1.osg35up.el7.src [320 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2021-04-28):
- Fix periodic remove expression, otherwise jobs go on hold
blahp-1.18.48-2.4.osg35up.el7.src [312 KiB] Changelog by Mátyás Selmeci (2021-03-16):
- Rebuild against condor 8.9.11 (SOFTWARE-4533, SOFTWARE-4525)
blahp-1.18.48-2.2.osgup.el7.src [311 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2020-11-17):
- Rebuild against condor 8.9.10
blahp-1.18.48-2.osgup.el7.src [311 KiB] Changelog by Brian Lin (2020-09-15):
- Update RPM packaging
blahp-1.18.47-2.osgup.el7.src [304 KiB] Changelog by Edgar Fajardo (2020-08-11):
- Build against HTCondor 8.9
blahp-1.18.46-3.osgup.el7.src [305 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2020-05-22):
- Rebuild against condor 8.9.7 (SOFTWARE-4080)
blahp-1.18.46-1.osgup.el7.src [304 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2020-04-21):
- Fix an issue where the slurm binpath always returned scontrol (SOFTWARE-3986)
- Python 3 compatibility (#7)
- Handle extra-quoted arguments to (SOFTWARE-3993)
- Expand env vars in configured slurm_binpath (#10)
- Fix cluster handling in (#13)
- Introduce blah_job_env_confs for dynamic env var expansion (SOFTWARE-2521)
- Add EXIT trap to remove barrier file (SOFTWARE-3930)
- Amended file credits for Matt Farrellee (#17)
blahp-1.18.45-1.1.osgup.el7.src [303 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2019-12-06):
- Rebuild against condor 8.9.5 (SOFTWARE-3929)
blahp-1.18.45-1.osgup.el7.src [303 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2019-10-15):
- Fix cherry-picking error from htcondor patch in 1.18.44 (SOFTWARE-3824)
blahp-1.18.41.bosco-2.osgup.el7.src [261 KiB] Changelog by Brian Lin (2019-08-27):
- Rebuild against HTCondor 8.9.2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7