
globus-gridftp-server - Grid Community Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server

Website: https://github.com/gridcf/gct/
License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Koji
The Grid Community Toolkit (GCT) is an open source software toolkit used for
building grid systems and applications. It is a fork of the Globus Toolkit
originally created by the Globus Alliance. It is supported by the Grid
Community Forum (GridCF) that provides community-based support for core
software packages in grid computing.

The globus-gridftp-server package contains:
Globus GridFTP Server


globus-gridftp-server-13.20-1.3.osg35.el8.src [652 KiB] Changelog by Mátyás Selmeci (2021-04-08):
- OSG: don't ship systemd service files; they conflict with osg-gridftp (SOFTWARE-4231)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7