system environment/daemons

xrootd - Extended ROOT file server

License: LGPLv3+
Vendor: Koji
The Extended root file server consists of a file server called xrootd
and a cluster management server called cmsd.

The xrootd server was developed for the root analysis framework to
serve root files. However, the server is agnostic to file types and
provides POSIX-like access to any type of file.

The cmsd server is the next generation version of the olbd server,
originally developed to cluster and load balance Objectivity/DB AMS
database servers. It provides enhanced capability along with lower
latency and increased throughput.


xrootd-4.12.6-1.1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [4 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2020-11-04):
- Build python3 sub-package for el8 (SOFTWARE-4106)
xrootd-4.12.5-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [4 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2020-05-27):
- Remove xrootd-voms-devel
xrootd-4.12.3-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [4 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2020-05-27):
- Remove xrootd-voms-devel
xrootd-4.11.3-1.2.osg35.el7.x86_64 [4 KiB] Changelog by Diego Davila (2020-03-30):
- adding patch: erro_code.patch (software-4017)
xrootd-4.11.2-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [3 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2019-09-02):
- Move xrdmapc to client package
xrootd-4.11.1-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [3 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2019-09-02):
- Move xrdmapc to client package
xrootd-4.11.0-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [3 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2019-09-02):
- Move xrdmapc to client package
xrootd-4.10.1-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [3 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2019-04-17):
- Create add xrdcl-http package
xrootd-4.10.0-1.osg35.el7.x86_64 [3 KiB] Changelog by Michal Simon (2019-04-17):
- Create add xrdcl-http package

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7