
osg-xrootd - OSG configuration files for XRootD

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Koji
OSG configuration files for XRootD


osg-xrootd-3.5-13.osg35.el7.src [8 KiB] Changelog by Edgar Fajardo (2020-06-29):
- Adding logging information on its own file (SOFTWARE-4058)
osg-xrootd-3.5-12.osg35.el7.src [8 KiB] Changelog by Edgar Fajardo (2020-03-06):
- The configuration on the standalone file shoudl be only for standalone (SOFTWARE-4027)
osg-xrootd-3.5-10.osg35.el7.src [8 KiB] Changelog by Mátyás Selmeci (2020-01-06):
- Add default Authfile to osg-xrootd-standalone (SOFTWARE-3951)
osg-xrootd-3.5-4.osg35.el7.src [6 KiB] Changelog by Carl Edquist (2019-10-21):
- Add 'all.role server' to standalone xrootd config (SOFTWARE-3857)
osg-xrootd-3.5-3.osg35.el7.src [6 KiB] Changelog by Brian Lin (2019-08-21):
- Restore osg-configure requirement for standalone installations
  since they'll be using /etc/lcmaps.db instead of the LCMAPS configuration
  shipped with xrootd-lcmaps
- Ensure that XRootd/HTTP ports are the same

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7