
condor-ep - Configuration for an Execution Point

License: ASL 2.0
This example configuration is good for installing an Execution Point.
After installation, one could join a pool or start an annex.


condor-ep-23.10.0-0.756037.el8.aarch64 [90 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2024-08-08):
- Add config knob to not have cgroups count kernel memory for jobs on EL9
- Remove support for numeric unit suffixes (k,M,G) in ClassAd expressions
- In submit files, request_disk & request_memory still accept unit suffixes
- Hide GPUs not allocated to the job on cgroup v2 systems such as EL9
- DAGMan can now produce credentials when using direct submission
- Singularity jobs have a contained home directory when file transfer is on
- Avoid using IPv6 link local addresses when resolving hostname to IP addr
- New 'htcondor credential' command to aid in debugging

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7